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File: 307RatDinner.jpg - (90.38 KB, 504x504) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
92546 No.1767359

(Old Thread no longer bumps.


You order the stuffed bell peppers. The innkeepers wife brings it over a few moments later, it smells great. The peppers are filled with beans, cheese, tomato and rice and sit in a tomato soup like sauce.

He also brings you an ale.


Holy shit, that's not how you stuff a pepper. Suspension of disbelief gone; I'm going to dinner.



>>not how you stuff a pepper

But what if the incorrect pepper preparation is all part of a plot device!

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Somehow I think a large amount of hamburger in them would be

A. Expensive
B. Somebody's cow friend would have to die
C. Unavailable until the sequel "Rat Island II - Cannibals!" is released

Quit bitching, eat up, it's gooooood for you


Holy fuck that sounds DELICIOUS.

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It does sound delicious!

Its made by hares and they aren't big on eating meat. Frankly your surprised that they had eggs for breakfast this morning when you really think about it. (Fish and Bird are the major source of meat in this world just an FYI)

Anyway, you take your time and enjoy your meal.

Its now about 7 PM and the sun is almost set.



Happy Rat is Happy.


He got infected by the gay by just being near the cat.


>>1767443 Pay for that awesome meal and tip an extra 1 silver. That shit was good. Nothing like a heist on a filled stomach! Make sure you're all settled so when you head back out you're not feeling upset or undigested. We need to focus on the task at hand!



An entire nights stay at the inn for some bell peppers? Nigga dat ain't frugal.



it could help in growing a friendship on the bunny patrons.. perhaps to get more information about the murder of the bunny girl.



They weren't even there, all signs point to Mezard... not that it couldn't have been a group of traveling rapists or drunken sailors but you're not going to get a peep out of anyone but the ghost which we need to get a quill or something or have her go all mind fuckery on us. Not that it even gives us any real proof.

If anything however, we really should talk to the inn keeper at some point about his room being haunted, but only after we get her to spill the guts on who did the deed. He might give us a discount but if anything he's more likely to just move us to another room.

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You ask the innkeeper if the same room you had last night is still available.

"Yes, its vacant." He says. "Would you like to rent it?"

You tell him yes and pay the one silver for the night, you also pay 4 coppers for your meal.

You can rest up in the room till its late and then sneak out. If The ghost happens to appear while your waiting you might be able to get some more info out of her, that reminds you...


You ask the innkeeper if he happens to have an extra few pieces of paper, a quill and some ink.

"I do." He says. "Give me a moment, I'll fetch it for you."

He walks out of the room and back in a few moments later with 3 pieces of paper, a quill and the ink.

"I'll be needin the quill and ink back in the morning if that's alright." He says


[<Steal the quill and drop the ink all over the room>]

^In case it gets wierd^



What exactly would that accomplish?


grab quill, ink, paper, go to room.

Wait until it's dark enough to steal the stuff at the manor. While you wait in your room, the ghost might appear again, so you can have her write what happened.



Nothing, it's just for the lulz. And you can blame the ghost later.

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Have fervent dreams about the blacksmith.



It'd be funny to have the blacksmith stuck in the rats mind.

Wait, we act as the rats conscious or subconscious. Lets keep mentioning the blacksmith.

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Separated at birth.

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Hahah where is that from

that's a whole 'nother degree of derp

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I was trying to photoshop a wig onto the Cat Blacksmith with the caption "I'll be your wife tonight".

I failed horribly.

It looks...unholy.

Would someone be willing to photohack Cat-Smith a wig?

P.S. Scraggy, I'm so sorry...


Even though the faggy blacksmith seems to stick with everyone here, stick to the story and dont shit everything up with "LOL FAG BLACKSMITH".



Shit everything up? Did you bitch when we went and fucked Miranda and the Voodoo fox bitch too?

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Will our hero discover the truth about HIV and other sptds?...



No, because that was part of everything.

I just dont want the entire thread to become a blacksmith pictures thread.

With that said, dont try to start a manly fight of epic proportions over this most important opinion of mine, for the hallf of wouldnt withstand such a thundering clash of two masculine men of manliness.

TL;RD dont go full retard.

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Hahahahaha, oh God, my life is fucking complete now.









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You go up to your room to wait. You place the ink paper and quill down on the dresser and then hop onto the bed. To pass the time you do things like flip a coin in the air... You take all your stuff out of your pack and separate them among your pouches, making room in your pack for the statue.

Its around Midnight now and for the last 15 minutes you been watching your toes as you wiggle them.

>>1768199 (ha, that is cute ^.^ )



Watch for any signs of Gaelle's spirit, see if you can communicate with it should it reappear.


Add boobs and I can imagine him as the blacksmith's straight sister.


give it a few minutes to wait for gaelle.

If she doesnt show up, head to the manor.


And if she does show up, make sure to mind your manors.

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After a two minutes pass, a ghost appears.

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Nope. Chuck Testa.



We already minded the manor. Go read the last thread.


While you sit there, the blacksmith pops into your mind again.



He should start masturbating to mental images of Lisha undressed.

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You wait a little longer and still no ghost. You get up and silently exit your room, sneak down the stairs and exit the inn. The lock to the Inn should be no trouble to pick if you need to come back.

You quietly make your way around the west side of the manor wall. The two guards at the back gate are talking to each other.



Ease-drop for a few minutes, maybe one's saying they're gonna go take a piss.




Maybe you hear some other useful stuff.



We can't drop ease for too long without looking suspicious.

Besides, this is a costume piece, and in we rush in our ordinary clothes. Again.


It's eavesdropping. Eaves.
I wasn't going to say anything about it, but two of you getting it wrong squicked my retard meter a little too much.

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You pull up your hood, pull your cloak around yourself and silently make your way over to the wall so you can Eavesdrop on the guards.

It sounds like they are talking about some dancer and who did what with her.

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Rat stealth mode GO! Listen to those guards, maybe they have valuable guard information.

Just run if you see a ' ! '



Damn, late reply is late.

Continue to listen, attempt not to think about the Blacksmith in a dancer outfit.



Jesus, guy, give me a little credit.


This sounds really important. I forget why.

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You drop some more eaves.

"Oi, so she comes up to me, and I says, that was some fancy dancing." The guard says to the other guard. "And she says, oh thank ye sir. SO then I says, how about we do a little dance together, in private, and I shows er some coin. So I takes the greedy squirrel up to a room and I takes a sit, she come over and undoes me belt, and her big bushy tails a flickin all excited like...

The guards seem really into their discussion.



Grapplehook onto the wall, climb up and peak over the wall, show as little of your head as possible, we're now trying to spot any other activity, included unexpected patrols.


I knew better. My apologies.

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You throw over the grappling hook and carefully pull it back until it catches on the ledge of the wall. You wait a moment and then climb up. When you reach the ledge you peek over the top. You can see in the windows of the servants quarters, all are dark, the ones you can see anyway.

Also it looks like the kitchen and dinning hall are dark too.

You don't see the patrol on the walkway.



I think we should check over the wall as well, as long as these two are occupied. I can't remember a squirrel that we need to get info about, so just let them chat alone.



Dammit, late again. Okay, then if the coast looks clear, lets get our ratty butt up there.



No problem.


Do I see eyes in the right-hand pane of that window? Or is that just scribbles? It looks like scribbles.

I feel like I'm playing WWIIOnline. "Hey is that fuzzy thing over there a tank or a bush?"

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You climb up the top of the wall and retrieve your grappling hook. You them leap down from the top of the wall, tuck and roll into a crouch.

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Lets make our way cautiously to the trophy room.

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You leap forward, moving quickly over the well groomed lawn and straight to the outside wall of the kitchen. You press yourself against the wall and move around the corner to the door.

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Put your ear to the door and listen first before trying to open it.

...I keep wanting to say "check for traps", but that will just lead to more Blacksmith jokes.

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Nothing wrong with checking for traps, in fact you do so, and find none around the door. Next you put your ear against the door and listen.

Its quiet.



Is that a window on the door? Lets sneak a peek

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Look through the window, don't freak out if something looks back...
If you don't see anything, open/lockpick door.
Do what out if it's too dark in there, don't bump into anything because those pots and pans will make a lot of noise when they fall...
Take tiny steps and feel around with your hands (also watch your tail).

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Cause this story is some serious business.

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>don't bump into anything because those pots and pans will make a lot of noise when they fall...

He's a rat, not a heron!



Humm Mission Impossible Theme in mind to make it more awesome.



Peek in through the doors window.


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"Why, hello there!"



I lol'd

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Alright slowly open door and if all clear make way inside.



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Scraggy must still be asleep...shhhhhh....

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The Gay Blacksmith. He's going to haunt us in his dreams.

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Stop that, you're getting me all hot and bothered

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i like where this could possibly be going.

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You peek through the window, luckily, no blacksmith, or anyone else.



Slowly open the door then, sneak in, and slowly close it again.

Be careful not to bump into anything or not to stop on anything that could by laying on the floor.



>stop on anything

I meant "step"


HAHA, I predict this to be a running gag throughout the whole story to come.



Just so long as it doesn't turn into a game of "the blacksmith did it" I'll be OK with that.


Did we bring our left-handed lockpick set? Heck, maybe it's not even locked.


Check if it is locked before we go through the trouble of picking it.



Why are you still here?

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The door is indeed locked.

You pick the lock and slowly open the door. It creaks slightly. You open it just enough to sneak in and then slowly close it behind you.

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Creep over to the shelf, see if any of those plates are silver/gold. Bonus!



Plate's heavy and makes noise. We should focus on the mission--whatever it was. I haven't been paying attention that long.

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Focus on mission. I agree.

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Most of the stuff on the shelf is mixing bowls, souffle cups, baking trays, and measuring cups.



This is fishy, a rich guy would usually have good silverware. Speaking of which, if the oven is wood-fired (it appears to be) and is cold (it appears to be) then I would grab a small bowl and put the ashes in it.

If we get caught, we can throw those ashes at the face of the person who catches us, and potentially save the smoke bomb for the front door run away moment.

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Trips means good idea.



leave some cups or glass next to the door, so you can hear it break when they patrol or someone who might spot, comes in..
so it gives you time to hide somewhere.



Rich guys probably have servants who lock their stuff up at night so people like us can't take it.

We've still got like three rooms to get through. We should move carefully. With the kitchen empty (unlike our intel suggested), hopefully the dining room is the same way. The ballroom's huge but hopefully dark.

Did we bring a sack or something to put the thing we're after into?



But then they would know we were there!


they could put them into alert mode, a la deus ex.. focusing in a single part of the house, giving enough time to go around.



The kitchen's our only good way out right now that doesn't involve a window, and I haven't been paying attention to the windows so far. We really don't want them blocking that area up. Then again, we have to go through the ball room to get to the kitchen once we're in the hallway, and at that point at least one of the guys in the entry could easily get into the ball room before us if there was a problem. So we're kind of backing ourselves into a corner no matter what.

The escape route's always the first order of business, unless this is some Metal Gear shit where we're expecting to get tied up naked at some point. But didn't that already happen to us, anyhow?

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The stove looks like it was cleaned of ashes, there is not enough in there to fill a bowl.

Yeah... that would alert them to knowing someone was here.

You peek into the Dinning room. Oh hey, there is the silverware in the hutch.

You emptied your man bag to make room for the statue, you didn't bring anything else to put stuff in.


>>1770673 emptied your man bag?

:3 i'm going to use that somewhere.



There is room in the sack for at least a few silverware, a silver fork or spoon perhaps, just bundle them tightly together in a placemat or something to muffle and prevent noise from them.

Check the lock ( if there is one ) on the cabinet, if you can get in, check to see what is in those chests.



Additional; lace is extremely valuable in those times because it took a TON of time to manufacture, there was no automation that could handle the complex nature of it.

I'd actually say, steal the lace and line the sack with it, it'll protect the statue and be worth TONS.



Lace as in table cloths and place mats that may be in the cabinet >.>

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Oh lawds dat some vase I see over there? Check whats inside. Then look underneath the table & each chair.

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We came here for a statue, not the cobwebs in a vase!

Move for the next door, listen closely etc.



We need bonus to make coin, this job only gets us our ship manifesto. We wont get an easier score than stealing some lace items, and we're already risking our ass here.

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We also get dinner and a show wish Lisha or whatever it was...


Get statue first, then try to get bonus items on the way out.


>>1771036 I agree. Leave the freebies alone for now. Move to the objective THEN clean up on the way out. Not now. Focus rat! focus!

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You creep over to the hutch and open it. The two chests each contain silverware, 6 of each kind in both chests. (two spoons, two forks and a butter knife)

You check the drawers for something to wrap the silverware in so it doesn't make any noise when you move around. You find some linen napkins that will work fine.

Carefully you place the silverware in the napkins and roll them tightly together and then tie them up with another napkin before you place them in your bag.

You now have 60 pieces of silverware.

You find nothing special.



Yay, we got shit we can fence later :D

Carefully begin to have a look around the exits of the kitchen, see if there are any lights still on, or people around.

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Can we move on to our mission now please. We are kinda spending too much time in the mansion.

>Using an image of Commander Shepard

Bah, Shepard does not ask. He gives orders and others follow. Or they get shot.



We got some stuff we can sell later. Now move on towards the room with the statue in it.

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That some windows over there? Look into each one individually before we go ANYWHERE. Examine the paint in case its chipping you can probably use it later in case someone trades it for another 5 gold.


Thread bump.

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You close the chests that use to contain the silverware and then close the glass doors of the hutch. You then look into the ballroom from the dinning room. You can see a moving light coming from the direction you need to go, you can also hear voices.


better find a good place to hide.. behind some curtains would be preferable.. or below the table if it has full coverage.



Hide beside the curve of the stairs, peer through the posts at the light, give your eyes time to adjust while you listen.

Is it guards?

Are they talking about tracks they found?


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You hide behind the curve of the stairs. The voices are getting closer it sounds like.

"-just keeps talkin about that dancer e got lucky with." Says one voice

"I know, e won't shut up about it, I ope e got mange from er." Says another voice.



Get your smoke bomb and knife where you can use them if you need to, start looking for the quickest exit so you can be ready if the time comes.



This. Also wait a bit more behind the stairs.

Actually, you could try to sneak a peak through the handrails into the room with the lights on.

Their eyes are adjusted to everything lit up, they wont spot you hiding in the dark right behind their light.

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You ready your smoke bomb.

"I bet she was loose as ell." One of the guards says.

"I bet if ya she could spread er sex apart and use it to fly away like a bat with" Says the other guard, holding his arms out and flapping them.

Both of them seem to be walking back to the front hall.


I wouldn't recommend being too close to the guards, or running around in the open too much, they appeared to be dog-like so they might smell something foreign..




They could decide to enter the room you came from, passing you, possibly smelling you or you getting into their light.

Or they could go up the stairs, as well as exiting another way.

Dunno if it'd be smarter to climb into the stairs, cross them, and get then the other site and sneak into where they came from, or if it'd be better to keep sitting there.



As they are about to leave, shout out "I'm skilled in hiding, and pop out from behind the stairs. Then strip all your clothes off.



We're in a lot of trouble if the guards see that big sign with the arrow.

If they're headed to the front entrance, let's just keep quiet right here.

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Well, that came out of no where....

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btw, in case you're cornered.. always create a big fire somewhere of the house, to create a huge fuzz.. I bet all guards and workers would go to the fire section to try to put it down, leaving you with time to leave.

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The guards go into the entrance hall, leaving you alone in the ballroom.

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Lets make our way to our objective.



Well cautiously continue on to wherever the goal is. Maybe snag a lose valuable along the way, but like I said about not spreading scents everywhere. Try being a bit off a normal path or even make a quick false path in case you might get tracked.

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You move silently into the hallway to the east of the ball room.

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I've kinda been pulling for the whole focus-on-the-mission thing, but I, for one, really want to know what's behind the ? door.


I like the idea of setting fire to escape, but we're not evil, at least not since we lost our memory. Sooo lets just put that up to wishful thinking.

Lets head into the room and try to locate the statue. We know they'll patrol back through here very soon, at this moment we have the maximum amount of time before they return.

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We can go to the mysterious mystery room as depicted earlier on the map.



It could be a trap... curiosity killed the..etc.. you know the whole thing.


Not a cat. But "rat' does rhyme. Roll the dice. Go for the ? room.


Yeah I like your idea Mysterious mystery room we must check!

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The door to the trophy room is locked but it doesn't stop you for long. After picking the lock you enter and close the door behind you.



You had to put a statue of yourself in there, didn't you?

Anyways, time to get the prize! Get it out of the glass with your glass cutting tools. Then grab it so you can get the fuck outta there!



Well, crap, Scraggy. You can't just put a secret forbidden mystery room on the map and then just not let us explore it. I mean, what did you expect?

Anyhow, since we're here, let's check for traps on the pillar. Did we bring cigarettes or something to check for lasers?



?, midna (twilight princess), ?, ?
metroid (metroid), pyramid head (silent hill), scraggy (pokemon), ?
katamari (katamary damacy; or a gobstopper ;), headcrab (half life), creeper (minecraft), that fallout guy (fallout)

I assume all of those are references, and I'm just not recognizing the others.



Watch for traps or trip wires. After you've done that, I'd start lubing up the glass, then begin to cut it. I would NOT try to life it because that might set off a pressure plate.

Gather up the other trophies and stuff them in the case, pressure plates don't tend to go off from too much weight so if there is one those trophies can hold it down once we've gotten the statue free.



Lift it*

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Take a look at it, say "It's nice", then get the fuck out... Oh wait, of course, use your tools to make a hole thru the crystal of the trophy (big enuff), look if there's anytrap before making the hole. Take that, and get the fuck out... Oh wait, take blacksmith with you, he will make you some company.

>check for lasers
>Iron-Age society.

Really? I mean. REALLY?



Also; use your knife to cut the art out of it's frame, quick and easy score for monies there. Stolen art is a big market.

Light and easy enough to tuck away, too.



I support these posts. Did we bring something that can cut glass and some tar paper or something?


I think the thing on the right shelf, top left is a gene tonic from Bioshock, and the thing on the middle right is... uh... I forget.



We bought a glass cutting kit.



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Let's get to work. Check for traps, etc...


Drink the charm plasmid, add the vault tech bobble head to our inventory for the +1 boost to charisma.

Tell the dead inn ghost to shut the fuck up, we aren't touching the marker.

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You don't really want to cut the painting so you pop the frame open and remove it.

You also found an alarm hidden behind it.

(going to work, BBL)



Take one of the smaller statues from the shelves, go back to the trophy in the Cut a hole open in the glass, put the statue you took from the shelf onto the plate the trophy stands on, then take the trophy out and leave the tiny statue in there.

Just in case there's a pressure alarm in there. Also, if you can, snatch the most valuable looking of those statues on the shelf too.

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What could possibly be in that mysterious mystery room? Just what?



Use some of the smaller statues to wedge the alarm by jamming them between the alarm bell and the hammers so it cannot work.

Then cut the glass, get the trophy and gtfo.



Disable the alarm, whatever might set it off is in this room so definitely break off the little hammers, jam the gears with some wadding, or something.






Disable the alarm, just in case.

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You disable the alarm by breaking the hammer off and cutting the cord that goes into the wall.

You place the glass-cutter on the top of the case and place oil on the glass to decrease noise. You score a circle in the glass and remove it from the case, then carefully place it on the ground.

You take one of the statues off the shelf and place it on the plate that the Jackal statue rests on. You then take the jackal statue and place it in your bag.



Thatsss a nicccccce ssssssstatue.
SSSSSSSSSShame if ssssssomething happenssssss to it.



I just hope there isn't a secondary alarm somewhere else connected to the same circuit.. (Ie, the guard house)



Evaluate the other statues, if any others are gold/silver we should steal it, then we need to leave.

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We have what we came for. Now time to GTFO.

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Now off to the secret room!

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You exit the trophy room and go to the next door. You pick the lock and slip inside.

Its looks like a music room.

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Hot damn this shit is interesting, no wonder the mystery room was so god damn mysterious! Whos ever heard of a music room,it wasnt even invented back then. Look behind all the paintings and then steal a violin!


Get out of the manor, we have a Lisha to make happy.

I wanna see the cute wild dog puppy tail wag :D



"He who knows when enough is enough will always have enough."

We've got a statue, a painting and a metric fuckton of silverware. Remember that whatever we steal has to be smuggled out, and guards are still very much part of the equation. GTFO'ing must happen now.


>>1773988 I agree with this. Shut the door and fuck off. Take what you got and LEAVE. Those guards and Murphy's Law is still against you plus you have no idea what time it is.

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Previous posters have got the game - get out of there now.


I'm kinda assuming Scraggy has basically one direction for this whole story, just lots of options probably not used.

Unless he's sure he can quickly poke around a bit more & safely (nobody within a minute, in rooms only a moment, etc.) then I'd too suggest getting out promptly.
Assuming he isn't going to get caught no matter what.




Get out of the manor now. You got what you came for and even more.

If they dont stock security up too much after they find out they've been robbed, you could still come back some other time and get more stuff.

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I leave for the night and come back and still see we are still in the mansion. Why are we still in the mansion?

We need to leave.

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>>1773956 (Just made it a room instead of a balcony)

When you look behind one of the painting you find a switch.


Despite the finding of this switch maybe leaving would be for the best...

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You find a switch and your not going to pull it..



What hidden alarm like the other one?

Though, hiding a switch behind a painting would be stupid..if you have to pull a painting aside before reaching the switch..that'd take too much time.

I'll remain undecided on the switch.

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...Your serious?



You never know.

I blame it on lack of sleep.

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Your not sure now... Should You leave or risk pulling the switch?

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Wow, just pull your dick out again and draw porn, my god. GET ON WITH IT!






you can return another day, leave everything like it should and GTFO!

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No because there will no doubt me many more guards after this and security will be higher than before, pull it and when the music starts playing like you planned get the fuck out. Atleast it will be action packed then unlike what everyone elses tight assholes are worried about in this fictional mess of a story. At first I thought I was being trolled but god damn you people are just that boring.


Oh cruddles... I was too late to suggest crapping inside the glass case for the statue. Oh well...

I can't help but wonder what is the underlying story here... Does the mayor have a secret past? How did he acquire this statue? When this secret switch is thrown, will it be revealed he might have some sort of tie to Lisha? Why does she want this statue so bad? Why doesn't she do it herself? I get the feeling there's something more here than a simple job of "get that for me 'cause I wants it." I smell a hint of subterfuge... And our poor rat is smack in the middle of something deep.

I say throw the switch, and see if there is something revealed that tells a little more of what's going on over this darn statue...


Pell thu sleave and then twitch


zoom in on switch
take a look......then GTFO.............carefully and quickly



Bear in mind that the manor can't be that far from the inn. If any of the guards get a good enough look at you, you are just plain fucked when you return to the inn.

And don't say you won't return to the inn, you have unfinished ghost business there.

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It is a fictional story..faggot.



Correct on both observations, but neither are relevant. Go read a CYOA book and take Deedee's place as Dexter's sister, if you're that dead-set on pulling every switch you see.



Yes it is a fictional story.
Yes it's just for fun.
Yes I dont take it as a srs bsns story whateverthingsortofstuff.

Yet I dont give a shit. We're the rats mind and we want to obtain glorious victoly.

Therefore, fuck the switch for now, grab your shit and gtfo.

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(New thread)

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